Monday, October 27, 2014

31 Days of Letting Stuff Go - Day 27 - Knock Your Socks Off...or Not

This post is part of a series of posts called 31 Days of Letting Stuff Go and is hosted as a link up at Write 31 Days with Nester of the Nesting Place.  For previous posts, please do visit my landing page.  You can also explore #lettingstuffgo and #write31days on Twitter.  

There was another bin in yesterday's pictures that I knew I needed to go through. I hadn't touched it in ages, but that still didn't help me let go of the stuff in the bin.

I really wanted to put the contents of this bin somewhere else, but I didn't have the brain power to say where.  I could've just left the stuff out that I was keeping and put the bin in my huge empty bin pile, but I just didn't want the stuff out.  I am in the middle of the Big Seasonal Children's Clothing Switch, and my brain is already melting from that (3 kids, 1 dresser, 1 closet).

Here's a before: Christmas socks, thermal underwear, thicker socks, theater/dance gear, random pantyhose, swimsuit coverup....


Back in the box reluctantly.

I have ideas about what to do with everything: special theater box, reorganize sock drawer to fit extras in, purge my hanging mesh bags for a refill with a label, but I don't have time for that right now.  

It will be on my list of things to do, however.  I might need to make room in my closet for some of my baby's things!

Not feeling like I accomplished much today.  Hmph.

What do you do to get your decluttering juices flowing again?  I need a refill.

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