Monday, December 15, 2014

Quick Lit - December 2014 (the linkup formerly known as Twitterature)

The linkup's the same!  Only the name has changed.  Modern Mrs Darcy hosts a linkup where we all share quick reviews of the books we've been reading.  Check out her blog for more details!  Your to-read list is sure to explode as a result of clicking around all the posts.

The Giver by Lois Lowry (paperback, library) - I have been meaning to read this for some time and was so glad I did.  Simple, horrifying, poignant, and containing a heroic character.  I'll have to read this again sometime.  I think my library has one of the followup books, too.

"Lilacs" & "The Long Ago" - two short stories by Mary Lavin (borrowed a booklet) - I don't have pictures or sources for these stories.  I had to borrow the booklet printed especially for the book group I belong to since these stories are out of print.  I liked Lilacs best despite its uninviting subject matter (dung).  Lavin wrote wisely on accepting what is, or reality.  

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley (hardback, library) - I abandoned this book after the mystery on the grounds of Flavia's estate is discovered.  This is the second mystery book I have abandoned (the first, sadly, being Maisie Dobbs).  I really wanted to like this book, but I had to let it go.

I'm in the middle of one book I'd hoped to review today, and I started another I am slowly going through.  Maybe next month!

What are you reading this month?  Read any of these?  Tell me about them in the comments. Be sure to visit this month's Quick Lit linkup for more reading recommendations!


  1. Love, love, love The Giver. I re-read it earlier this year in anticipation of the movie...which I was a bit nervous to see. What if they ruined it? The movie obviously took some license, but it's enjoyable in its own right, though it won't be the enduring classic that the book is. I keep meaning to read the other books that follow, but they're always checked out of my library!

    1. Hi, MK! It really struck me, too, this book. Curious about the movie now! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :)

  2. I just checked The Giver out from the library. Looking forward to reading it!

  3. The Giver is one of those rare "true" books. Not a lot of fluff, but so many layers over the course of such a short story.

    1. I know what you mean. It's simplicity is probably one of the reasons it's successful. And timeless, I think. Thanks for commenting!
