As further evidence that I only tinker with this blog in order to participate in Twitterature, I give you my next Twitterature link up post!
The Astronaut Wives Club: A True Story by Lily Koppel (hardcover, library) Fascinating, yet ultimately very sad, behind-the-scenes look at the early NASA missions despite the annoying and disconcerting gossipy tone throughout. The wives deserved better than this, surely. A surprising story involving LBJ, Annie and John Glenn, and reporters is what I keep remembering from this book. #spacerace #gladtolivenownotthen
Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World by Tsh Oxenreider (Kindle purchase) The essays about intentionally traveling with your children were like a shot in the arm. Loved those. Her write up on an anniversary trip was delightful as well. I've often thought about various issues being or not being a "hill to die on" because of her and could relate to creativity being a wonderful boost when worn down. #intentionalbutrealistictoo
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam (paperback, library) I believe this is the paper form of the ebooks of the above title, What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, and What the Most Successful People Do at Work. Easy read but chockful of good advice. I got my husband and I up and walking in the morning (separately due to kids) and planned a weekend more concretely because of this book. I imagine I'll be poking around Vanderkam's website and books a lot more because of her solid writing and suggestions. #moreintentionality #prayandwalk
What about you? Have you read these? What did you think? What are you reading right now?